The completion of two to four years of education, with an associate degree or a baccalaureate degree, is a basic requirement to become a Registered Nurse. The field of nursing is wide open, because of a shotage of muc needed nurses in hospitals and other venues across the country and the world.There are many types of courses and providers available. The common goal of these courses is to prepare the future nurses for initial entry into practice and RN licensure [procedure of which differs from state to state in the US] and work their way up the professional ladder.The candidates should complete a minimum number of hours of CE courses to qualify for licensure. They are also expected to pass the NCLEX-RNŽ examination.
This examination measures the competencies needed to practice nursing safely and effectively as a newly licensed entry-level RN. NCLEX-RNŽ is used by Boards of Nursing all over the US and its territories.If a nursing aspirant had her education abroad, she has to take the RNCGFNS, which provides a certification platform and includes a test of English proficiency, and an examination designed to prepare for the NCLEX-RNŽ examination. The CGFNS certificate program, which is only available for RN candidates, is well-established and serves as a requirement by 42 Boards of Nursing.The Florida Nurses Association says in the home page of its official website www.floridanurse.
org, 'Nursing is not a job. It is a profession requiring specialized knowledge and skills'. A Continuing Education program is the best way to acquire this.
.Nursing Continuing Education provides detailed information on nursing continuing education, free nursing continuing education, nursing continuing education courses, nursing continuing education credits and more. Nursing Continuing Education is affiliated with Top Nursing Schools.
By: Richard Romando